

Hi, Yesterday's eclipse was special in so many ways. I what made it particularly special was it's trajectory, it literally crossed America's heartland, making it, I think, one of the most accessible eclipses in history, not only to US citizens but anyone choosing to come visit the United States in order to view this event. I think it was also the most televised and recorded eclipse in history. For me it was almost a spiritual event and I really would like to hear everyone's stories. I don't care how long or short, consider this a Eclipse 2017 guest book/scrap book. You can submit your story about your eclipse experience or just say where you're from or where you watched. I just want to know. I hope this becomes a nice place to record people's experiences and memories of this historic event. Thank you, Suzy Madison, GA viewed eclipse in Otto, NC just up the road from Andy's Trout Farm.